6. To pause the CD playback, press the CD PLAY/PAUS E "# BUTTON once.
The Play Indicator “"” will blink continuously on the LCD DISPLAY.
7. Though the sound stops, the disc will continue to spin. To resume
playing, press the CD PLAY/PAUSE "# BUTTON once again. The music
will start from the exact position where it was paused.
Skip And Search Mode
8. In play or pause mode, when the CD SKIP/SEARCH FORWARD % or
BACKWARD $ BUTTON is pressed once, the player will go to play the
next track or go back to the beginni ng of the current track.
9. In play mode, when the CD SKIP/SE ARCH FORWARD % or BACKWARD
$ BUTTON is pressed and held, the play er will search the track with an
audible high-speed forward or bac kward playback.
Repeat Play Mode
10. Repeat 1 :
When the MODE BUTTON is pressed
once, the “Repeat” Indicator will be
shown on the LCD DISPLAY. This singl e
track of music will be played repeatedl y.
11. Repeat All:
When the MODE BUTTON is pressed
twice, the “Repeat All” Indic ator will be
shown on the LCD DISPLAY. The whole
disc will be played continuously .
12. To cancel the repeat function, press the MODE BUTTON repeatedly until
the Repeat Indicator disappears f rom the LCD DISPLAY.
Random Play Mode
This feature allows the track on the disc to be pl ayed in a random order.
13. In CD stop mode, press the MODE
BUTTON three times, the “
indicator will appear on the LCD DISPLAY.
once to start the playback.
14. To cancel the random play function, press the MODE BUTTON again,
” Indicator will disappear from the LCD DISPLA Y.