MP3 music can be stored into the CD Disc with or without folde rs
according to your “MP3 burning method”.
a. If the MP3 disc is created without dividin g into folder, all track number
will be shown directly on the LCD DISPLAY. The Album number e.g.
will only appear briefly on the LCD DIS PLAY after pressing the
b. If the music is stored in different folders, then you must select the
specific Album number first by pressi ng the FOLDER UP " or DOWN
&BUTTON ; afterwards press the CD SKIP/SEARCH FORWARD % or
BACKWARD $ BUTTON to select the specific Track number located
inside this Album.
Example : To select Album # 4, track # 3.
STEP – 1 : Press the FOLDER UP " or
DOWN & BUTTON to select
the Album # 4.
STEP – 2 : Press the CD SKIP/SEARCH
$ BUTTON to select the
Track # 3 inside this Album
# 4.
7. To pause the MP3 Disc playback, press the CD PLAY/PAUSE "#BUTTON
once. The Play Indicator “"” will blink continuously on the LCD DISPLAY.
8. Though the sound stops, the disc will continue to spin. To resume
playing, press the CD PLAY/PAUSE "#BUTTON once again. The music
will start from the exact posi tion where it was paused.
Repeat Mode
9. Repeat 1 :