located on the product.
7. Attachments
Do not use attachment not recommended by the product manufacturer.
8. Damage Requiring Service
This unit should be serviced by qua lified service personne l w he n:
A. The audio input cord has been damaged.
B. Objects have fallen into or fluid has been spilled into the enclosure.
C. The unit has been exposed to rain.
D. The unit has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.
E. The unit exhibits a marked change in performance or does not operate normally.
9. Periods of Nonuse
If the unit is to be left unused for an exte nded period of time, such as a mo nth or longer, the
connecting cord should be unplugged from MP3/iPod to prevent damage or corrosion.
10. Servicing
The user should not att empt to service t he unit beyond t hose methods described in the user’s
operating instructions. Service methods not covered in the operating instruction should be referred
to qualified service personnel.
The device is operated by 3 pcs of AAA (UM-4) battery (rechargeable/non-rechargeable).
Battery installation
1. Remove the battery compartment cover.
2. Insert 3 x “AAA” (UM-4) batteries. Observe the polarity markings when installing the
batteries to avoid damaging the unit.
3. Replace the c ompartment cover.
Warnin g
1. Make sure that the batteries are installed correctly. Wrong polarity may damage the unit.
2. Do not mix old and new batteries.
3. Do not mix alkaline, standard or rechargeable batteries.
4. Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommend are to be used.
5. If the unit is not to be used for an extended period of time, remove the battery.
6. Do not dispose of batt e ri es in fire, batteries ma y e xpl ode or leak.
7. Replace the ba tteries when the un it stops operating p roperly.
8. Remove exhausted batteries from the unit, dispose promptly and properly.