Troubleshooting: Operational Problems

Trouble Probable Cause Remedy
Ripples i n sanded
spaced ri pples).
Unev en feed rate. Check for these conditions and refer
to previ ous Tr oubleshooting sect ions:
Conv ey or belt sli ps on drive roll er.
Board sl ips on conveyor belt.
Conv eyor gear m otor stalls.
Set scr ew loose on shaft coupler
between gear motor and c onv ey or.
Conv eyor bushings dry – lubri c ate.
Conv eyor bushings worn – replac e.
Exc essive f eed r ate. Reduce depth of cut and/ or feed rate.
Exc essive dept h of cut. Reduce depth of cut and/ or feed rate.
Ripples i n sanded
(Uniformly spaced
Sander vibration.
Loose bolts, or loose bearing and
pulley set screws – re-tighten.
Dirty drum – cl ean insi de.
Drum out of balanc e – contac t your
dealer or W MH authori z ed servic e
Tensi on r ollers set too low. Re-set t ensi on r ollers.
Stock not supported proper ly dur ing
infeed or outf eed. Support stock with roller stand, tables
or benches.
Snipi ng of wood
(gouging near end of
Conv ey or drive r oller or driven roller
higher than c onv ey or belt surfac e. Re-adjust roller(s).
Feed r ate too slow. Increase f eed r ate.
Excessive depth of cut for grit used. Reduce depth of cut or inc r ease grit
Excess build-up on abr asive strips. Reduce depth of cut; cl ean str ips or
replace; angle stock when f eeding.
Abrasive is too fine. Replace with abr asive of coarser grit.
Abrasive strips are overlapped. Rewrap strip wit hout overl ap. See
pages 11 and 12.
Burning of wood.
Drum out of alignm ent. Re-ali gn dr um. S ee pages 16 and 17.
Conv eyor belt is l oose. Adjust conveyor belt tension. See
page 15.
Exc essive dept h of cut. Reduce depth of cut.
Wood slipping on c onv ey or due to
lack of cont act Use alt er nate feeding pr oc edur e.
Gouging of wood.
Abrasive is too fine. Replace with c oar ser grit.