21. Give your work undivided attention. Looking around, carrying on a conv ersation and “hor se-play” are
careless acts that can result in serious injury.
22. Maintain a balanced stance at all times so that you do not fall or lean against the bl ade or other
moving parts. Do not overreach or use excessive force to perform any machine operation.
23. Use the right tool at the correct speed and f eed rat e. Do not force a t ool or attac hment to do a j ob for
which it was not designed. The right tool will do the job better and safer.
24. Use recommended accessories; im pr oper accessories may be hazardous.
25. Maintain tools with care. Keep blades sharp and clean f or the best and safest performance. F ollow
instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.
26. Turn off the machi ne bef ore cleaning. Use a brush or compressed air to rem ove chips or debris — do
not use your hands.
27. Do not stand on the machine. Serious injury c ould oc c ur if the mac hine tips over.
28. Never leave the machine running unattended. Turn the power off and do not l eave the machi ne until
the blade comes to a complete stop.
29. Remove loose items and unnecessary work pieces f rom the area before starting the machine.
30. Never place hands directly in line wit h the saw blade.
31. Always use push sticks when cutting small mat erial.
32. Raise or lower the blade guide only when the machi ne has been turned off and the blade has stopped
33. Always wear leather gloves when handling saw blades. The operator should not wear gloves when
operating the machine.
34. Do not allow the saw blade to rest against the workpiec e when the saw is not r unni ng.
35. The saw must be stopped and the electrical supply must be cut off before any blade replacement,
drive belt replacement, or any periodic service or maintenance is performed on the machine.
36. Remove cut off pieces carefully, keeping hands away from the blade. The saw must be stopped and
the electrical supply cut off or machine unplugged before reaching into the cutting area.
Familiarize yourself with the following safety notices used in this manual:
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in minor injury and/or
possible machine damage.
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in serious injury or possibly
even death.