3) “Out Filter”: The preamp output is | ADVANCED Bass Control Section | 2) Parametric Bass Equalizer: The parametric | Subwoofer Output | ||||||||
filtered by a fully variable, active filter | The 500/1v2 includes a versatile bass | ensing | |||||||||
| ||
incorporated into the output section | processing section consisting of two |
| equalizer allows the user to select the center | On | |||||||
and is not affected by the bass control | primary components: a fully variable, |
| frequency of the boost band as well as the | ||||||||
| ||||||||||
processing selected for the amplifier. In | 24 dB per octave infrasonic filter and a |
| bandwidth (“Q”) of the boost band. The “Q" | MONO OUTPUT ONLY | |||||||
“Out Filter” mode, the user can select: | parametric, |
| control selects the bandwidth of the boost | ||||||||
| ||||||||||
| around the center frequency. Lower numbers |
| |
a) | Infrasonic Filter | “Q” |
| Center Freq. | Boost (dB) | pertain to wider bandwidths while higher |
| ||||
filtering by way of the “Filter Mode” switch. |
| Mode | 1.6 |
| 40 | +10 |
| number pertain to narrower bandwidths. |
| |
b) 12 dB/octave or 24 dB/ octave filter slope by |
| 1.1 | 2.7 | 30 | 60 | +4 | +13 | The “Center Freq.” control selects the center | SUBWOOFER OUTPUT | ||
| 0.7 |
| 25 | 75 |
| ||||
way of the “Filter Slope” switch. |
| Off On | 0.5 | 4.3 | 20 | 80 | 0 | +15 | frequency of the boost bandwidth within | The 500/1v2 employs JL Audio’s exclusive | |
| 30 | Bass EQ |
| ||||
c) A filter cutoff frequency between 40 - 200 | 22 | 45 |
| Advanced | a range of 20 - 80 Hz. If you would like to | Regulated, Intelligent Power Supply (R.I.P.S.) | |||
| ||||||
Hz for the preamp output signal by way of | 18 | 55 |
| Bass |
| select the filter frequency with a higher level | design. This sophisticated power supply | |
15 | 60 | Off On |
| Control |
| ||||
the “Filter Control” switch. | Infrasonic Freq. (Hz) |
| Remote Bass Port |
| of precision, consult Appendix C: Chart | allows the amplifier to produce its optimum | |||||
| (page 17) of this manual. The “Boost” control | power (500 watts x 1) over a wide range of | |
This is completely independent of the |
| determines how much boost (in dB) you are | speaker impedances. | |
amplifier’s internal filter and allows the user to | 1) “Infrasonic Filter”: The infrasonic filter is a | adding to the bass signal. A range of 0 - 15dB | Unlike conventional amplifiers that require | ||||||||
match, stagger or overlap the subwoofer | 24 dB/octave | of boost is available. The “Remote Bass Port” | a specific impedance to produce optimum | ||||||||
filter frequency of the amplifier crossover with | variable cutoff frequency between 15 - 60 Hz. | allows the connection of an optional remote | power, the | ||||||||
the output filter’s frequency for precise control | When set at frequencies lower than 30 Hz, it | boost knob (the | you the freedom to use a variety of subwoofer | ||||||||
and optimized midbass performance. | conserves amplifier power without audibly | in the front of the vehicle. This optional | configurations that achieve final nominal | ||||||||
If you would like to select the filter frequency | affecting the quality of the | control takes the place of the “Boost” knob on | impedances between | ||||||||
with a higher level of precision, consult | set at frequencies higher that 30 Hz, there will | the amplifier when connected and bypasses the | 1.5 – 4Ω (without sacrificing power output or | ||||||||
Appendix C: Chart | be an audible effect, but one which may be | “Boost” control on the amplifier. | sound quality). | ||||||||
| desirable for SPL competition purposes or curve |
| The operation of the R.I.P.S. circuitry is | ||||||||
!! CAUTION | shaping of a | ! IMPORTANT | entirely automatic and adjusts itself every time | ||||||||
enclosures, the use of the infrasonic filter is | the amplifier is turned on according to the lowest | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
The signal level of the “Preamp Output” is | highly recommended to protect the speaker(s) | The “Advanced Bass Control” section will only | impedance present at the speaker load. There are | ||||||||
always low level regardless of the voltage | from excessive excursion below box tuning. | operate when the amplifier’s filter is activated | no user controls to configure. The system | ||||||||
applied to this amplifier’s inputs and the | With sealed enclosures, the use of the filter is | with the “Amp LP Filter” switch in the “12dB” | operates through multiple stages of impedance | ||||||||
setting chosen on this amplifier’s “Input | less necessary, but can still help protect the | or “24dB” position. It will not work with this | optimization, choosing the stage most appropriate | ||||||||
Range” switch. All “Slave” amplifiers should | speaker system. If you would like to select the | switch in the “Off” position. This is to prevent | to the actual impedance of the speaker(s) you | ||||||||
have their switches set to “Low”. See Appendix | infrasonic filter frequency with a higher level of | cascading the processing of multiple amplifiers | connect to it. | ||||||||
D (page 18) for details. | precision, consult Appendix C: Chart | when configured in a master/Slave |
| ||||||||
| 17) of this manual. The infrasonic filter can be | arrangement as shown in Appendix D (page | ! IMPORTANT | ||||||||
| completely defeated by selecting the “Off” | 18). If you are using an external active | |||||||||
| ||||||||||
| position on the “Mode” switch. This bypasses | crossover and would like to use the “Advanced | If you connect a load higher than 4Ω nominal | ||||||||
| all signal from flowing through the circuit. | Bass Control” features, set the “Amp LP Filter” | to the 500/1v2, power will drop by half with | ||||||||
| switch on “12dB” and rotate the frequency | every doubling of impedance above 4Ω. If you | |
| selection knob fully clockwise to the “200 Hz” | connect a load lower than 1.5Ω nominal to the | |
| position. This will activate the “LF Boost” and | 500/1v2, the amplifier protection circuitry | |
| “Infrasonic Filter” controls without | activates a “safe” mode which reduces amplifier | |
| significantly affecting the crossover point | power to protect the circuitry from failure (the | |
| selected by the external active crossover. | yellow LED on the top of the amplifier will | |
| light to indicate that this has happened). See | |
| page 12 for details. |
10 JL Audio - 500/1v2 Owner’s Manual | 11 |