Disc/SD card operations

Playing a disc in the receiver

All tracks will be played repeatedly until you change the source or eject the disc.


About MP3 and WMA discs

MP3 and WMA (Windows Media® Audio) “tracks” (words “file” and “track” are used interchangeably) are recorded in “folders.”

When an MP3 or a WMA folder includes an image <jll> file edited by Image Converter (Wide Ver 1.2)—supplied in the CD-ROM, you can show the image on the display while the tracks in the folder are played back—Image Link. (See pages 19, 34, and 52 for details.)

When inserting an MP3 or a WMA disc:



File type*1

Clock display





Total folder number Total track number

Current folder









Track name*2 Folder name*2

When inserting an audio CD or a CD Text


Total playing

Total track number


Clock display

Current track

Disc name*3 number

Track name*3

*1 Either the MP3 or WMA indicator lights up depending on the detected file.

*2 The album name/performer with indicator and the track title with indicator will appear if “ID3 Tag” is set to “On” (see page 36).

*3 Appear only for CD Texts and CDs if it has been assigned or recorded. (“No Name” appears for a while if no name is recorded or assigned to an audio CD.)

To stop play and eject the disc

To return the control panel to its previous position, press it again.