JVC XT-UXG6, FS-G6 manual Fast-Windinga Tape, Music Scan, Playing Back Dolby-RecordedTape, English

Models: XT-UXG6 FS-G6 LVT0375-001A

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Fast-Winding a Tape


Searching and Skipping to Each Program Continued

5 Press 7(stop) button to stop playback the tape.

6 Press 0 (open/close) button directly to stop and remove the tape.

While the system is turned off (standby mode)

Pressing ` (playback) or TAPE ` (playback) button automatically switches the system turned on and starts playback if a tape is already loaded.

Fast-Winding a Tape

While stopping the tape, press 4 / ¢button to fast-

wind the tape.

To fast-forward, if the current tape direction is:

3] Press ¢ button.

2]Press 4button.

To fast-rewind, if the current tape direction is:

3] Press 4 button.

2]Press ¢button.

During fast-winding, the tape direction indicator starts blinking quickly.





When the tape comes to an end

The deck unit automatically stops.

Searching and Skipping to Each Program

— Music Scan

While playing the tape, you can search and skip to the beginning of the current and next program on a tape.

Music scan searches for blank portions that usually separate programs recorded onto the tape, then automatically plays the program beginning after that blank portion.

To skip backward to the current music

Press the button opposite to the tape direction indicator as follows:

3] Press 4 button.

2]Press ¢button.

To skip forward to the next music

Press the button same as the tape direction indicator as follows:

3 ]Press ¢ button.

2 ]Press 4button.

During Music Scan progressed, the tape direction indicator starts blinking rhythmically.





Repeating Music Scan feature made easy

searching a desired program on a tape one after another.

The beginning of the desired program may not be located properly

If blanks between music are too short, the blanks contain too much noise or the program itself contains very low-level or silent part.

Playing Back Dolby-Recorded Tape

You can play back the tape recorded with Dolby B NR system. The Dolby NR system allows to reduce hiss noise in playback.

Press DOLBY B NR button on the cassette deck before playback. Each time you press the button, the Dolby NR lamp on the unit lights up orange or turns off.

A tape recorded using Dolby NR

Should be played back using the Dolby NR of the same type as that used in recording. The audio quality will be affected if a different type is used in playback.

Dolby Noise Reduction manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. “Dolby” and double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.


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JVC XT-UXG6, FS-G6 Fast-Windinga Tape, Music Scan, Playing Back Dolby-RecordedTape, Searching and Skipping to Each Program