JVC RX-DV3SL manual Creating Realistic Sound Fields, Dolby Surround, DTS Digital Surround

Models: RX-DV3SL

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Creating Realistic Sound Fields


You can use the following Surround modes to reproduce a realistic sound field:

Dolby Surround

Dolby Pro Logic II

Dolby Digital

DTS Digital Surround

DAP (Digital Acoustic Processor) modes

All Channel Stereo

Dolby Surround

Dolby Pro Logic II*

Dolby Pro Logic II has newly developed multichannel playback format to decode into 5.1-channel from all 2-channel sources— stereo source and Dolby Digital encoded source.

Matrix-based encoding/decoding method for Dolby Pro Logic II makes no limitation for the cutoff frequency of the rear treble and enables stereo rear sound compared to conventional Dolby Pro Logic.

DTS Digital Surround**

Used to reproduce multichannel sound tracks of the software encoded with DTS Digital Surround ().

To enjoy the software encoded with DTS Digital Surround, connect the source component using the digital terminal on the rear of this unit. (See page 10.)

DTS Digital Surround is another discrete multichannel digital audio format available on CD, LD, and DVD software. Compared to Dolby Digital, audio compression ratio is relatively low. This fact allows DTS Digital Surround format to add breadth and depth to the reproduced sounds. As a result, DTS Digital Surround features natural, solid and clear sound.

Typical Multichannel (5.1-channel) reproduction

Dolby Pro Logic II enables to reproduce spacious sound from original sound without adding any new sounds and tonal colorations. Dolby Pro Logic II has two modes—Movie mode and Music mode:

Pro Logic II Movie (PL II MOVIE)—suitable for reproduction of

Dolby Surround encoded sources bearing the mark DOLBY SURROUND and stereo television sources. You can enjoy sound field very close to the one created with discrete 5.1-channel sounds.

Pro Logic II Music (PL II MUSIC)—suitable for reproduction of any 2-channel stereo music sources. You can enjoy wide and deep sound by using this mode.



Left front speaker

Left rear speaker


Right front speaker

Right rear


When Dolby Pro Logic II is activated, the PRO LOGIC II indicator lights up on the display.

Dolby Digital*

Used to reproduce multichannel sound tracks of the software encoded with Dolby Digital ( D I G I T A L ).

To enjoy the software encoded with Dolby Digital, connect the source component using the digital terminal on the rear of this unit. (See page 10.)

Dolby Digital 5.1-channelencoding method (so-called discrete multichannel digital audio format) records and digitally compresses the left front channel, right front channel, center channel, left rear channel, right rear channel, and LFE channel signals.

Since each channel is completely independent from the other channel signals to avoid interference, you can obtain much better sound quality with much stereo and surround effects.


Dolby Digital or DTS software can be roughly grouped into two categories

—multichannel (up to 5.1-channel) and 2-channel software. To enjoy surround sounds while playing Dolby Digital 2-channel or DTS software, you can use Dolby Pro Logic II.

DAP (Digital Acoustic Processor) modes

DAP modes have been designed to create important acoustic surround elements.

The sound heard in a live club, dance club, hall or pavilion consists of direct sound and indirect sound—early reflections and reflections from behind. Direct sounds reach the listener directly without any reflection. On the other hand, indirect sounds are delayed by the distances of the ceiling and walls (see the diagram below).

These indirect sounds are important elements of the acoustic surround effects. The DAP mode can reproduce a realistic sound field by adding these indirect sounds.

DAP modes can be used when the front and rear speakers are connected to this unit (without respect to the center speaker connection: no sound comes out of the center speaker even if it is connected).

* Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby,” “Pro

**Manufactured underlicense from Digital Theater Systems, Inc. US

Logic,” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby

PAT. No. 5,451,942 and other world-wide patents issued and


pending. “DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are trademarks of


Digital Theater Systems, Inc. Copyright 1996 Digital Theater


Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


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JVC RX-DV3SL Creating Realistic Sound Fields, Dolby Surround, DTS Digital Surround, DAP Digital Acoustic Processor modes