6. Technical data


￿￿1,000 memory positions for TV programmes and 1,000 for radio programmes.

￿￿10 individually occupied favourite lists, each with 1,000 programme positions. (e.g. for programme categories SPORT, NEWS, MUSIC etc..).

￿￿8 Satellites (can be individually activated).

￿￿24 characters for programme or station names.

￿￿Programme selection with 1-, 2- or 3-digit entry.

￿￿Programme selection via UP/DOWN buttons.

￿￿Programme changeover for 2 programmes with one button (Last Programme).

￿￿Quick selection of the last 4 watched programmes – zapper function.

￿￿Selection of programmes from the programme list.

￿￿Programme pool in alphabetical order and sorted according to satellites, free, new free, encrypted and new encrypted programmes.

￿￿Copying, sorting and deleting of programmes, all in one overview menu.


￿￿Automatic satellite search (SCPC compatible) for TV and radio programmes.

With choice of the satellite, high-/low-band, permanently and freely definable symbol rates, for free (and encrypted) programmes.

￿￿Automatic transponder search – finds TV/radio programmes of a transponder.

￿￿Changing programme names.

OSD (On Screen Display)

￿￿Clear menu structure with variable and opaque transparency.

￿￿Integrated operating manual and function description of the remote control.

￿￿Menu language German and English.

EPG (Electronic Programme Guide)

￿￿Quick programme information about the current and following programme.

￿￿Programme overview with supplementary information covering the next several days (according to the broadcasting station).

￿￿Easy data transfer to the timer (programme, start and end, date).

Video / Audio







￿￿Automatic switch-over from VCR to TV

￿￿Automatic switch-over from TV to VCR in standby (selectable).

￿￿Separate Cinch sockets for L/R audio.

￿￿Volume adjustable in 20 steps. Mute.

￿￿Language selection for TV programme transmitted in several languages and selection of additional programmes in radio operation.

￿￿Stereo 24 bit 96 kHz- Audio Σ∆ DAC

Further features

￿￿Local control for programme + / -, volume + / -, standby and radio/TV-switch-over.

￿￿4-digit LED display (green).

￿￿Timer for 8 events (TV or radio).

￿￿Optimal alignment of the parabolic antenna according to signal strength and figure of merit of reception.

￿￿Teletext via TV.

￿￿Prepared for UFO mini, UFO micro (Kathrein specific).

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Kathrein CCR 512/S, CCR 502/S manual Technical data