Operating Instructions (cont'd)
Lighting label on the water heater as it appears above the thermostat
If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may resu t caus ng property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
A. This appliancehas a pilot which mustbe lightedby | • If you cannotreach yourgas supplier,call the fire |
hand.Whenlightingthe pilot,follow theseinstructions | department. |
exactly. | C. Useonlyyour handto pushin or turnthe gascontrol |
B. BEFORELIGHTINGsmellall aroundthe appliancearea | knob.Never_usetools. If the knobwill not push in or |
for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor because | turn by hand,don'ttryto repairit, call a qualifiedser- |
somegasis heavierthanair and willsettleon the floor, | vice technician.Forceor attemptedrepair may result |
WHATTODOIF YOUSMELLGAS | in s fire or explosion. |
• Do nottry to lightanyappliance. | D. Do not use this applianceif any part has been under |
• Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any | water.Immediatelycall a qualifiedservicetechnician |
phonein yourbuilding, | to inspecttheapplianceand to replaceanypart of the |
•Immediatelycall yourgas supplierfrom a neighbor's phone.Followthegassupplier'sinstructions,
controlsystemand any gas controlwhich has been underwater.
1.STOP!ReadtheJSsfetyinformationaboveonthis label.
2.TurnON/OFFswitchoncontrolboxto "OFF".
3.Remove outer door covering gas thermostat and burnerassembly(Figure.13, Page25)
4.Set the thermostat to lowest setting by turning the water temperaturedial clockwise,(F_) to its lowesttempera- ture setting (with arrow on dial) as shown. DO NOT FORCE. (Figure t0,
5.Turn gas controlknobclockwise"_ to "OFF" posi- tion. Knob cannot be turned from "PILOT" to "OFF"
unlessknobis depressedslightlyDO. NOT FORCE.
6.Wait five (5) minutesto clear out any gas. If you then smell gas, STOP!Follow"B" in the safety information above on this label. If you don'tsmell gas, go to the nextstep.
7.Remove(or open) inner door located below the gas controlunit.
tube fromgascontrol. THERMOCOUPLE_ _ PILOTBURNER
The pilot is locatedin | ! i i._ |
frontof the burner. |
9.If you don'tsmell gas, turn knob on gas control
10.Push in control knob all the way and hold down.
Immediately light the pilot with a match. Continue to hold control knob in for about one (1) minute
after the pilot is lit. Release knob and it will pop back up. Pilot should remain lit. If it goes out, repeatsteps 5 through 10.
•If knob does not pop up when released, stop and immediatelycall your service technicianor gas supplier.
•If the pilot will not stay lit after several tries, depress _nd turn the gas control knob clock-
wise _t to "OFF" and call yourservicetech-
nicianor gassupplier.(Figure10 Page25)
12.At arms lengthaway,turn gas controlknobcounter-
clockwise_ to thefull "ON" position.WARNING
Do not use gas control knob to regulate gas
flow. (Figure12,Page25)
13.At arms length away,set the thermostatto desired setting.The mark (V) HOTindicativeof approximate
120°Fispreferredstartingpoint.Somelocallawsmay require a lower starting point. If hotter water is desired,see instructionmanualand "warning" below.
14.Replacethe outerdoor.(Figure13,Page25)
15.TurnON/OFFswitchon controlboxto "ON".
Hotter water increasesthe risk of scald injury. Beforechanging temperature setting see instruction manual. |
Turn ON/OFF switch on control box to "OFF".
Remove outer door covering gas thermostat and burner assembly.(Figure 13, Page25)
3.Set the thermostat to lowest setting by turning the water temperature dial clockwise (F_'_) to its lowest temperaturesetting (with arrowon dial) as shown.DO NOT FORCE.
as shown.DO NOT FORCE.
4.Turngascontrolknobclockwise V 'L"OFF" posi- tion. Knobcannotbe turnedfrom "PILOT" to "OFF" unlessknobis depressedslightly.DO NOT FORCE. (Figuref0, Page25)
5.Replaceouterdoor.(Figure13, Page25)