Pour6rite[ toutrisquedeblessureou ded6c_s,prendreles precautions suivantes:

Lesmisesengardeet fesconsignesde securit6indiqu_esdensce manuelnevisent pas_ couvrirlouteslessiluafionsel conditionssusceptiblesdese pr6senterIt.est indispensabledefairepreuvedebonsens, deprudenceetd'attentiondenslam]seen service,I'enlrelienout'utilisationdu r6frig_rateur

Contactezloujourslemagasinout'appareil _16achet_ledistdbuteur,le, serviceapr6s- venteou fefabdcantencasdeproblemesou desituationsquevousnecomprenezpas

DANGER-Dangersimm_diatsqui RESULTERONTendegravesbtessures,

voireled_c_s.. :





s_cudtairesqui POURRAtENTr sulteren

desblessuresmineuresoudesd6g_ts mat6dels.

IMPORTANT: Lesrisquesd'emprisono nementet desuffocationchezlesenfants

nesontpasph6nom_nesdupasse.Les vieuxr6frig_rateursabandonn_sont

encoredangereux,m_mes'ilssont entrepos_pour,,quelquessjours


r_fdg_rateur,]irelesinstructionsci- dessousafind'_viterlesaccidents.

Avantdejeterunvieuxrefrigerateurou cong_lateur:



placepourqueles enfantsnepuissent pas tacilemententre[ t'int6rieur.


Pourr_duireleerisquesd'incendie,d'dlectrocution,deblessuresgraves,voirede ddc_saucoursderutilisation dur_frig6raleur,

prendreles precautionssuivantes:


2.Respectertouslescodeset r_glementsIocaux.

3.SuivreIesconsignesderaise_,la re[re.

4.Demander un _lectdcienqualifi_dev_rifiersicet appareila _t_ correctementmis_.laterre.



7.Le r_frig_rateurestcon_;upourfoncfionnersurunepdses_par_e de 103&126V,15A,60 cyclesNEPASmodifierla fichedu cordond'alimentalionSila ficheneconvientpas_,laprisede courant,faireinstalleronepriseadequateparun _lectricien qualifi_.

8.NEPASuliliserd'adaptateur&deuxbroches,derallongeou de barrettederaccordement

9oNEPASenfeverf'_tiquettedemiseengardedu cordon d'alimentation

10. NEPASmodifier]espi_cesde commandeinternesdei'appareil.

11.NEPASreparerouremplacertoulepiecedu r_frig_rateur& mo_nsquecetanesoitsp_cifiquementrecommanddartsle


guided'utilisationeld'entrefienou tesconsignesder6paration I'intentiondeI'utilisateurNEPASchercher._ r_parerl'appareilsi lesconsignesnesontpascomprisesousi celavaau-del&des competences.

12Toujoursd_brancherlerefrig6rateuravanldeproc_der&une reparationD._brancherlecordond'alimentafionsaisissantla fiche et non le cordon,

13Installerler_frig_rateurconform_mentauxconsignesdemiseen serviceToustesraccordementsd'eau,d'_lectficit6et deraise

la terredoivent_treconformesauxcodeslocauxeteffeotuespar du personnelqualifi_si n_cessaire

14.Garderle r_trig_rateuren bon6tatdefonctionnementLorsqu'ila _t__chapp_ouheurt_,ler_frig_rateurpeut_treendommageou il peuts'ensuivreunefuiteouunmauvatsfonctionnementEn

casdedommages,demander&untechnicienqualifi_dev_rifier rSlatdur_fdgerateur.

15Remplacerlescordonsd'atimenlationuseseb'oulesfiches desserr_es.

16Toujoursfireet suivrelesconsignesidOafesderangementdu fabdcantpour/esarticles&rangerdenster_fdg6rateur


Page 29
Image 29
Kenmore 596.53462300 manual Ces Symboles,Mots .Et, ¢Curite, AVERTISSEMENT-Dangersoupratiques, DmQnterlesportes

596.53462300 specifications

The Kenmore 596.53462300 is an advanced refrigerator model that combines efficiency, functionality, and style, catering to the needs of modern households. With a sleek design and ample storage space, it offers a practical solution for food preservation and organization.

One of the prominent features of the Kenmore 596.53462300 is its generous capacity. With a total storage volume that can accommodate large grocery hauls, it includes adjustable shelves and various door bins to maximize space utilization. This flexibility allows users to organize their food items according to personal preferences, making it easy to access drinks, snacks, and perishables.

The refrigerator also boasts advanced cooling technologies. It utilizes a reliable cooling system that ensures uniform temperature distribution throughout the interior. This feature is crucial for maintaining the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishables. The presence of a temperature control system allows users to adjust the internal settings to suit different food types, providing optimal conditions for storage.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Kenmore 596.53462300 is its energy efficiency. This model is designed to consume less energy without sacrificing performance, conforming to the latest energy-saving standards. As a result, it not only lowers utility costs but also contributes to environmental sustainability.

The appliance comes equipped with additional technologies such as a moisture-controlled crisper drawer, which extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing humidity levels. Furthermore, the ice and water dispenser offers convenience, providing cold water and ice on demand without the need for manual filling.

In terms of aesthetics, the Kenmore 596.53462300 features a modern stainless steel finish that complements various kitchen designs. Its clean lines and streamlined silhouette add a touch of elegance, making it an attractive addition to any home.

Moreover, the refrigerator includes user-friendly controls and a clear LCD display, simplifying operation and monitoring. The availability of features such as door alarms and filter indicators further enhances its usability, reminding users to change filters for optimal performance.

In summary, the Kenmore 596.53462300 stands out for its combination of capacity, advanced cooling technologies, energy efficiency, and modern design. It's an excellent choice for families or anyone looking to upgrade their kitchen appliance with a reliable and stylish refrigerator. With these features, it ensures a convenient and efficient cooking and storage experience for users.