Elservicioal homo de microondasdebeser hecho solo porpersonalcalificado.Uame a unacompafiia deservido autorizadapara examinar,repararo hacerajustes.

Vealas instruccionesparala limpiezade lasuperficie

de lapuertaen la secci6n"Cuidadodesu Homode microondas".

Parareducirel riesgode incendioen el interiordel homo:

-No cocinede m_slos alimentos.Tengacuidadosi

se colocaparafadlitarla cocci6n,papel,pl_s%o u otrosmaterialescombustiblesdentro del homode


-Quite las atadurasdealambre retorcidodel papelo

bolsasde pl_sticoantesde colocarbalsasen el homo.

-Si los materialesdentrodel homo se quemaran, mantengala puertadel homo corrada,apagueel homo y desconecteel cable dealimentad6no cierreel paso de lacorrienteel_ctricaenel fusibleo en el paneldeldisyuntor.

-No use el interiordel homoparaalmacenamiento.

No dejeelementosde papel,utensiliosde cocinao alimentosenelinteriordelhomocuandonoesteenuso.

Adecuadoparasu uso sobreelementosde cocinade gas o electricos.

Previstoparaser usadopor sobrelos rangos conun anchom&ximode 36 pulgadas(91cm).

Limpieconfrecuencialas campanasde ventilad6n, nodebe permitirquese acumulegrasa en la campanao en elfiltro

Cuandohayaalimentosque producenllamasbajo la campana,enciendael extractor.

Tengacuidadocuandolimpie elfiltrodel extractor- campana.Losagentescorrosivosde limpieza,tales

como limpiahornosbasadosen lejia, puedendafiar elflltro.

No debenser colocadosen el homo de microondas alimentoso utensiliosde metalde grantamafio ya quepuedenocasionarincendioo riesgode descarga el@ctrica.

No limpiesobre unalmohadillasasperasde metal. Las piezaspuedenquemarla almohadillay tocar las

pares electricasocasionandoriesgodedescarga el_ctdca.

No almacenenadadirectamentesobreel homo de microondascuandoest_ en funcionamiento.

No cubrao bloqueeningunaaberturaen el homo de microondas.

No dejeeste homode microondasa laintemperie. No Io usecercadel agua, porejemplo,cercade la piletade lacocina,sobre una basehQmeda,o cerca deuna piletade nataci6no algo porel estilo.

No sumerjael cable dealimentaci6no enchufeen el agua.

Mantengael cablede alimentad6nlejosde las superficiescalientes.

No dejeel cablede alimentaci6ncolgandodel barde dela mesao mostrador.oNo Io montesobre una pileta.

No cubralas rejillaso cualquierotra partedel homo con laminasde metal. Estocausara

sobrecalentamientodel homo.

Los liquidostalescomoagua, caf6o t6,'pueden sobrecalentarsemas all_ del puntode hervorsi estar aparentementehirviendodebidoa su tensi6n superficial.No siemprese nota el burbujeooel hervoral retirarelrecipientedel homo. Estopuede causarque los liquidosmuy calienteshiervan repentinamentecuandose introduceen el liquido unacucharaocualquierotro utensilio.

Parareducirelriesgo de producirlesionesalas personas;

1)No recalienteliquidos.

2)Revuelvael liquidoantesy mientrasse calienta.

3)No userecipientesde ladosrectoscon cuellos angostos.

4)Luegode calentar,permitaal contenedor permanecoren el homode microondaspor un tiempocortoantesdequitado.

5)Tenga muchocuidadocuandocoloqueunacuchara u otro utensiliodentrodelcontenedor.



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Kenmore 721.64683, 721.64689, 721.64684, 721.64682 manual Importantes Instrucciones de Seguridad

721.64683, 721.64682, 721.64684, 721.64689 specifications

The Kenmore 721 series of microwaves, including models 721.64689, 721.64684, 721.64682, and 721.64683, represent reliable kitchen appliances designed to elevate the cooking experience. Known for their versatile cooking capabilities and user-friendly features, these microwaves are perfect for modern homes seeking efficiency and convenience.

One of the standout features of the Kenmore 721 series is their powerful cooking wattage, typically around 1000 watts. This ensures quick and even cooking results, whether you’re reheating leftovers, defrosting frozen meals, or cooking fresh ingredients. The microwaves come equipped with multiple power settings, allowing users to tailor the cooking intensity according to their needs.

These models also incorporate advanced sensor cooking technology. This feature helps take the guesswork out of cooking by automatically adjusting the time and power levels based on the steam emitted from the food. As a result, users can achieve optimal cooking outcomes with minimal effort. The series also includes a variety of pre-programmed cooking presets for common tasks, such as popcorn, pizza, and baked potatoes, making meal preparation faster and more convenient.

In terms of design, the Kenmore 721 series boasts a sleek and contemporary look that complements any kitchen decor. The stainless steel finish not only adds a touch of elegance but also ensures durability and easy maintenance. The user interface typically features a clear digital display and intuitive controls, making it simple for anyone to operate the microwave, even those unfamiliar with technology.

Safety is another critical consideration in the Kenmore 721 series. These microwaves are equipped with features like child lock to prevent accidental operation, ensuring peace of mind for families with young children.

Energy efficiency is also a hallmark of this series. Designed to minimize energy consumption while in standby mode, the Kenmore 721 microwaves cater to eco-conscious consumers looking to reduce their environmental footprint.

In conclusion, the Kenmore 721.64689, 721.64684, 721.64682, and 721.64683 models offer a perfect blend of power, technology, and design. With their advanced cooking features, user-friendly interfaces, and attention to safety and efficiency, they stand out as reliable kitchen essential for a wide array of cooking needs. These microwaves deliver on performance while ensuring a stylish presence in the kitchen.