Chopter Four More Turbo Mouse Softwqre Options
Chopfer Two Setting Up
Chopter Three Using Turbo Mouse Soffwore
Brilliant Cursor
Mini Control Panel
Chopter Three Using Turbo Mouse Sofhrqre
On-Screen Help
IlJ,llL tr-r
Fursor Kegs
Erilliant f,ur$or
Chonging Accelerqlion
Onl1, to 1or-rrTurbo llouse trackball
Using Custom Accelerqtion
Move the appropriate acceleration scroll box to the right
Lllhen mouing quirklg
Ustom Hrrel Eraph flrtiue Set tlefault
Af,ustom Hcreleration
Lllhen mouing sloutlg
Ir.louse $feed
Enhonced Mouse Butlons
Enhanred l+,lou*e Euttons
Retur,nrto Sia optirns dm,fa*e,,*1&,i
Time-like playing
Same time unnecessary
+- Shitl kes
Learn Send $tring
Ilption keJ
Kensington Turbo Mouse Monuql . Poge 2O
Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Mqnuol o Poge 2l
+ris-nlU, f *hifr
Cursor Keys
Combining Commonds
Double-Click Speed
Ehord Speed
Enhqnced Chord Speed