Help opens the Heip rvindow with brief messages that define the Send String function and

its special charac- ters. (Typing ffi-Hadds to the string to be sent, so use this

button instead.)

Chopler 3: Using Turbo Mouse Softwore

You can use a single key or a combination of the modifier keys and another key, such as Shift, Option, Command, Control and Caps Lock.

They are represented as ryrnbols shown below. A dot is also inserted

between each character for clarity.

+- Shitl kes

; - f,.rps Loch: keg

N- ilption ke'J

ffi- [ommand keg ft- f,ontrol keg

Learn Send $tring

Please Tgpe the $tring to be Senl


Cancel will close the

Clear String erases fhe

Done accepts and saves

window without making

string displayed.

the string displayed.

any changes to the Send String.

For example, every time you want to print a file on your Macintosh, you need to select Print from the File menu (or type *-f)and click the OK button in the Print dialog box. Instead, you could Send this String with a single click.

1. Choose Send String from the pop-up menu next to the button you want to assign this command.

I\Aihen the Learn Send String window appears, type 3t-Pand press the Return key.

.r. Click Done.

Kensinglon Turbo Mouse Monuol o Poge 19

Page 12
Image 12
Kensington 4 manual +- Shitl kes, Learn Send $tring, 38P.return, Ilption keJ, Please Tgpe the $tring to be Senl