Command Name Short Description Parameter Default
The command name must be followed by up to 5
alphanumeric characters; normally WIDE or TRACE. Causes
the TNC to forward received UI packets which include
WIDEN-N or TRACEN-N parameters.
Specifi es callsigns to send a packet in Unprotocol mode.
Call1 is the callsign of the destination. Call2 to call9 are
callsigns of stations to be digipeated through.
Call1 (VIA call2,
call3 CQ
USERS US Specifi es the number of channels available to connect
requests. 0 ~ 10 1
Allows the TNC mailbox to store your message. In order
to permit only a specifi c station to read your message,
enter a callsign after the command name; ex. W JA1YKX.
To complete message entry, press [Enter] (or [Return]),
[Ctrl]+[C], then [Enter] (or [Return]). For a subject, you can
enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
XFLOW X Causes the TNC to perform software fl ow control when ON,
or hardware fl ow control when OFF. ON/ OFF ON