Kettler 07975-100 manual GB Handling Utilisation NL Handleiding Aplicación Utilizzo

Models: 07975-100

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– GB – Handling

– F –


– NL – Handleiding

– E – Aplicación

– I –


– PL – Zastosowanie

– CZ – Pokyny k manipulaci

– P –

Notas sobre o manuseamento

– DK – Håndtering



–D – Achtung! Falls der Sitz des Rudergerätes schwergängig ist, bitte Schraube (A) etwas lösen, Sitz etwas nach oben ziehen (B) und dabei Schraube (A) wieder fest anziehen.

GB – Caution! If the seat of the rowing machine is stiff, please loosen the screw (A) slightly, pull the seat a little upwards (B) and, while doing so, tighten the screw (A) again.

F – Attention! Si la siège du rameur se déplace difficilement, desser- rez la vis (A) légèrement, tirez la siège un peu verse le haut (B) et resserrez la vis (A).

NL – Opgelet! Indien de zitting van het roeiapparaat stroef is, draait u schroef (A) los, trekt de zitting iets naar boven (B) en draait ver- volgens schroef (A) weer stevig vast.

E – ¡Atención! Si el asiento de la máquina de remar marcha dema- siado duro, suelte levemente el tornillo (A), tire el asiento un poco hacia arriba (B) y al mismo tiempo apriete de nuevo el tornillo (A).

I – Attenzione! Se la sede del timone è rigida, allentare leggermente la vite (A), sollevare leggermente la sede verso l’alto (B) e poi ser- rare di nuovo la vite (A).

PL – Uwaga! Jeżeli siedzenie urządzenia do wiosłowania porusza się zbyt ciężko, proszę poluzować co nieco śrubę (A), pociągnąć siedzenie trochę do góry (B) i przy tym ponownie mocno dokręcić śrubę (A).

CZ – Pozor! Jestliže sedadlo veslovacího trenažéru funguje ztuha, pro- sím povolte trošku šroub (A), povytáhněte sedadlo trošku směrem nahoru (B) a přitom opět pevně dotáhněte šroub (A).

P – Atenção! Se o banco da máquina de remar tiver pouca mobili- dade, solte um pouco o parafuso (A), puxe o banco ligeiramente para cima (B) apertando novamente o parafuso (A).

DK– OBS! Løsn skruen (A) lidt, hvis romaskinen går trægt, træk sad- len lidt opad (B) og spænd skruen (A) igen.

SLO – Pozor! Če se sedež vadbene naprave za veslanje težko premika, rahlo odvijte vijak (A), povlecite sedež malce navzgor (B) in nato vijak (A) ponovno pritegnite.

–D – Achtung! Betrieb nur mit mitgeliefertem Original-Netzteil oder Original-KETTLER-Ersatzteil (siehe Ersatzteilliste) zulässig. Anson- sten Gefahr der Beschädigung.

GB – Attention! Only use with original power unit as supplied, or with original KETTLER spare part (see spare part list). Otherwise this may result in damage.

F – Attention ! Exploiter uniquement l’appareil avec son bloc secteur original qui fait partie de la fourniture ou une pièce de rechange originale de KETTLER (voir liste des pièces de rechange). Sinon risque de détérioration.

NL – Let op! Gebruik alleen toegestaan met de bijgeleverde orginele transformator of orgineel KETTLER-onderdeel (zie onderdelenlijst). Anders gevaar voor beschadiging.

E – ¡Atención! Funcionamiento solamente autorizado con la fuente de alimentación original suministrada o con pieza de recambio original de KETTLER (ver lista de piezas de recambio). De lo con- trario podría ocasionar daños.

I – Attenzione! L’utilizzo è consentito soltanto con l’alimentatore ori- ginale fornito in dotazione oppure con parte di ricambio originale della KETTLER (vedasi lista delle parti di ricambio). Altrimenti sus- siste il rischio di danneggiamenti.

P – Uwaga! Eksploatacja urządzenia jest możliwa tylko z do- starczonym oryginalnym zasilaczem lub z oryginalnym urządze- niem zastępczym marki KETTLER (patrz Lista części zamiennych). W przeciwnym razie istnieje ryzyko uszkodzenia.

CZ – U přístrojů se síťovým zdrojem: Pozor! Provoz je přípustný pouze s originálním síťovým zdrojem obsaženým v dodávce nebo ori- ginálním náhradním dílem od firmy KETTLER (viz seznam náh- radních dílů). Jinak vzniká nebezpečí poškození.

P – Em aparelhos com cabo: Atenção! O funcionamento só é permi- tido com o cabo original fornecido ou com a peça sobressalente original KETTLER (ver lista de peças sobressalentes). Caso con- trário, perigo de danos.

DK– Maskiner med netdel: OBS! Det er kun tilladt at bruge den med- leverede originale netdel eller den originale reservedel fra KETT- LER (se reservedelslisten). I modsat fald kan maskinen beskadiges.

SLO – Pri napravah z električnim napajalnikom: POZOR! Obratovanje je dovoljeno le s priloženim originalnim električnim napajalnikom ali originalnim nadomestnim delom KETTLER (glejte seznam na- domestnih delov). V nasprotnem obstaja nevarnost poškodb.


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Kettler 07975-100 manual GB Handling Utilisation NL Handleiding Aplicación Utilizzo

07975-100 specifications

The Kettler 07975-100 is a remarkable indoor rowing machine that combines advanced technology with a user-friendly design to deliver an exceptional fitness experience. Engineered for both beginners and seasoned athletes alike, this rowing machine offers a multitude of features that prioritize functionality, comfort, and efficiency in training.

One of the standout features of the Kettler 07975-100 is its smooth magnetic resistance system. This system ensures a quiet and seamless rowing experience, minimizing noise and allowing users to maintain focus on their workouts. With multiple resistance levels, users can tailor the intensity of their workouts to match their fitness goals, whether that be building endurance or power.

The machine is equipped with an ergonomic seat designed for comfort during prolonged sessions. The seat glides effortlessly along the rail, allowing for fluid movements that reduce the risk of strain. Additionally, the adjustable footrests are designed to accommodate users of varying sizes, ensuring a secure fit that promotes proper rowing techniques.

Another key characteristic of the Kettler 07975-100 is its integrated display monitor. This LCD screen provides real-time feedback on critical metrics such as distance covered, time elapsed, strokes per minute, and calories burned. This data helps users track their progress effectively and stay motivated throughout their workouts.

The frame of the rowing machine is built from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and stability even during the most vigorous exercises. Its robust design allows it to support a significant weight capacity, making it suitable for a wide range of users, regardless of their body type.

Portability is another feature that sets the Kettler 07975-100 apart from competitors. With convenient transport wheels and a space-saving design, this rowing machine can be easily moved and stored, making it ideal for home use where space may be limited.

In conclusion, the Kettler 07975-100 rowing machine merges innovative technology with user comfort and durability. With its magnetic resistance system, ergonomic design, integrated monitoring, and space-efficient construction, it offers a comprehensive solution for those looking to enhance their fitness routines. Whether used for rehabilitation, weight loss, or building cardiovascular fitness, the Kettler 07975-100 meets the diverse needs of modern fitness enthusiasts.