where “p” is the COM port number and “c” is the assigned channel number.
For example, if you want to run 2 counters in MIS mode, use Window’s Device Manager to get the two COM port numbers for the two counters (see 3.2). Lets assume they are COM4 and COM5.
Next, locate the USBcount50.exe program (normally under “Program Files\USBcount50”) and highlight the file. Right click the file and use “Create Shortcut” to make TWO shortcuts to the program. Then for the first shortcut, right click it and bring up “Properties”. In the “Target” field, add “ /MIS4:1” to the end of the line5. Do the same for the second shortcut but add “ /MIS5:2”.
Now, double click the first shortcut. An instance of USBcount50 will run and configure the counter on COM4. Next, double click the second shortcut and this will launch a second instance of USBcount50 but this time configuring the counter on COM5, and also note that this second counter appears as a “CH2” tab. This way you can easily identify which instance of software is for which counter.
Note that you could also have chosen /MIS4:1 and /MIS5:1. Both counters would then act like a CH1 tab. Its up to you how you choose to configure the system.
In MIS mode, the settings for a particular software instance will be saved when you exit, and will be separate to any other counter’s settings.
You can run up to 4 counters in MIS mode and you can assign channel numbers from 1 to 4.
5Note the space
Elan Digital Systems Ltd. | 15 | USBcount50 USER’S GUIDE Iss1 |