Chapter 12
Locating Pictures and Videos on a Card
Pictures stored on SD/MMC Cards use a standard
Picture Naming Conventions
!Pictures are named 100_nnnn.JPG, and are numbered in the order in which they are taken. The first picture is named 100_0001.JPG; the highest number allowed is 100_9999.JPG.
!When a card contains a picture named 100_9999.JPG in the \DCIM\100K6200 folder, subsequent pictures appear in a new folder (\DCIM\101K6200), beginning with picture 101_0001.JPG.
!Even if you transfer pictures to the computer or delete pictures from the camera, the camera continues to use consecutive numbers for all subsequent pictures. For example, if the last picture taken was
100_0007.JPG and you delete it, the next picture you take is named 100_0008.JPG.