multi-up, 36 protecting, 39 slide show, 41
reviewing videos
as you take them, 30 camera dock, 70 camera screen, 35 deleting, 37
menu options, 38 protecting, 39 slide show, 41
running slide show, 41
safety, 94
screen, camera, ii SD/MMC card
file names, 96 formatting, 55 inserting, 11 printing from, 62
setting storage location, 12 slot location, iii
storage capacities, 95 self timer
light, i using, 23 with videos, 32
sepia tone pictures, 26
service and support, telephone numbers, 88
date and time, 8 flash, 21 language, 54 picture quality, 25 resolution, 25
review menu options, 38 self timer, 23, 32 storage location, 12 video out, 53
setup mode, 51 Share button, ii, 47 shutoff, auto, 97 shutter
problems, 74
self timer delay, 32 shutter button
location, i, ii, iv self timer delay, 23
sleep mode, 97 slide show
changing display time, 41 continuous loop, 42 problems, 76
viewing on camera, 41 viewing on television, 43