about, frame, 31 AC adapter, 2, 40 appendix, 39 attaching
different standard frame, 24 faceplate, included, 9 power cable, 2
stand, 1 automatic
on/off, setting, 7 resizing during copy, 30
border, touch, 4 brightness, 30 button, mode, i, 12
C cable
power, connecting, 2 USB, connecting, 8 calendar, viewing mode, 12
card, memory inserting, 8 slot, i
supported types, 39 changing picture locations, 11 cleaning frame, 33, 41 clock and timer, setting, 6, 36 clock, viewing mode, 12 collage mode, 13
automatic resizing, 19, 30 from computer, camera, 19 to frame’s internal memory, 19
default play location, saving, 15 delete pictures, 20
display picture order by, 31 display pictures, fit/fill, 31 disposal, recycling, 41
download, EASYSHARE Digital Display Software, 21
duration, picture display, 29
EASYSHARE Digital Display Software create slide show, 21 download, install, 21
error messages, 37
faceplate, attaching, 9 file formats, pictures, 39 firmware, upgrading, 29, 32, 40 fit or fill display, 31
flash drive, connecting, 8 format cards, FAT16 or 32, 35 frame, picture
hanging on wall, 28 resetting, 35 setup, 1