Using sound tags
Youcan adda uniquesound/message(up to 1minute long)to your picture(not to videos).
Recording a sound tag
1Pressthe Reviewbutton, then 4/_ to find a picture.
2 | Pressthe Menu button, then 4/_ | to |
| highlight SoundTag.Pressthe OKbutton. |
3 | ChooseRecord,then pressOK. |
4 | Followthe screenprompts. |
| Thesoundtagisappliedto yourpicture. |
Playing a sound tag
1PresstheReviewbutton, then _/_ to find atagged picture.
2 Press_ to play the soundtag.
3Press _/",,,i,,,,,,"to adjustthe volume.
4PressOKto pauseor replaythe soundtag during playback.
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