
be remanufactured, or may contain remanufactured materials, If it is necessary to replace the entire Product, it may be replaced with a remanufactured Product. Remanufactured Products, parts and materials are warranted for the remaining warranty term of the original Product, or 90 days after the date of repair or replacement, whichever is longer,


Thiswarrantydoesnot cover circumstancesbeyondKodak'scontrol, Thiswarrantydoesnot applywhen failure is due to shippingdamage,accident,alteration, modification,unauthorizedservice,misuse,abuse,usewith incompatibleaccessoriesor attachments(suchasthird partyink or ink tanks), failure to follow Kodak's operation,maintenanceor repackinginstructions,failure to useitemssuppliedby Kodak(suchasadaptersand cables),or claimsmadeafter the duration of this warranty. Kodakmakesno other expressor impliedwarranty for this product,and disclaimsthe impliedwarrantiesof merchantabilityandfitnessfor a particular purpose.In the event that the exclusionof anyimpliedwarranty is ineffectiveunderthe law,the duration of the implied warrantywill be oneyearfrom the purchasedate or suchlongerperiodasrequiredbylaw, Theoption of repair, replacement,or refund is Kodak'sonly obligation, Kodakwill not be responsiblefor anyspecial,consequential or incidentaldamagesresultingfrom the sale,purchase,or useof this productregardlessof the cause.Liability for anyspecial,consequentialor incidentaldamages(includingbut not limitedto lossof revenueor profit, downtime costs,lossof the useof the equipment,cost of substituteequipment,facilitiesor services,or claims of your customersfor suchdamagesresultingfrom the purchaseuseor failure of the Product),regardlessof causeor for breachof anywritten or impliedwarranty is expresslydisclaimed.

Your rights

Somestatesorjurisdictionsdo not allow exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,so the abovelimitation or exclusionmaynot applyto you, Somestatesorjurisdictionsdo not allow limitationson how longan impliedwarrantylasts,so the above limitation maynot applyto you,Thiswarrantygivesyouspecific rights, andyou mayhaveother rightswhich varyfrom stateto stateor byjurisdiction,

Outside the United States and Canada

In countriesother than the UnitedStatesand Canada,the termsand conditionsof this warranty maybe different. Unlessa specificKodakwarranty is communicatedto the purchaserin writing bya Kodakcompany, no warrantyor liability existsbeyondanyminimumrequirementsimposedbylaw,eventhough defect,damage, or lossmaybe bynegligenceor other act,



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Kodak M763 owner manual Appendix