Explanation of reports and lists 12
C450 12-5

12.2 Activity report

The activity report is a report that contains a record of transmissions and re-
ceptions. Communications for a total of 100 transmissions and receptions
are recorded on separate pages for transmission and reception. In addition
to the activity report being printed out automatically, either the transmission
record (transmission report) only, reception record (reception report) only or
a record of both transmissions and receptions (activity report) can be prin ted
out respectively as necessary.

12.2.1 Automatic printout

The interval at which the activity report is printed out can b e set with report

12.2.2 Manual printout

The activity report can be printed out manually with the following procedure.
Manual printout
1Press [Job List] on the fax screen.
2Press [Fax TX] tab.
3Press [Job History].