In the program-recording mode, various subject programs are available including a self-timer and macro mode. Except for exposure compensation, the function in the auto-recording mode are available in the program-recording mode.
Turn the camera on and turn the mode dial to the program-recording mode.
Used for self-portraits, the self-timer will delay the release of the shutter for approximately ten seconds after the shutter-release button is pressed. With the camera on a tripod, compose the picture so the subject is within the focus frames. Press the shutter-release button partway down to lock the exposure and focus (1). Press the shutter-release button all the way down to begin the countdown (2). Because focus and exposure are determined when the shutter- release button is pressed, do not stand in front of the camera when taking a self-timer image. Always confirm the focus with the red focus frame before beginning the countdown (p. 21).