What is an Ev? What is a stop?

Ev stands for exposure value. The term stop comes from the name of aperture plates used in early lenses. A change of one Ev or one stop will adjust the exposure calculated by the camera by a factor of two.

Change in Ev

Change in stops

Adjustment to exposure

+2.0 Ev

+2 stops

4X as much light

+1.0 Ev

+1 stop

2X as much light

0.0 Ev

Calculated exposure

–1.0 Ev

–1 stop

1/2 as much light

–2.0 Ev

–2 stops

1/4 as much light

Exposure latitude

























Increasing exposure







Decreasing exposure








How much the exposure can be adjusted using exposure compensation or manual exposure before there is a loss of image quality depends on subject contrast. High-contrast subjects have a great range of tones, deep shadows and brilliant highlights, whereas low-contrast subjects have a limited tonal range,such as a landscape on an overcast day.

High-contrast subjects have a much narrower exposure latitude before the shadows block up from underexposure or the highlights washout from overexposure. To ensure the best possible exposure for a subject, brackets (p. 46) can be made. Some scenes are beyond the contrast range of the CCD. In those situations, expose for the main subject of the image.