1 | Introduction | 1 |
2 | Getting Started | 1 |
3 | Overview | 1 |
4 | Your RGBHV to Component Transcoder | 2 |
5 | Using Your RGBHV to Component Transcoder | 3 |
5.1 | Converting an RGB Source | 4 |
5.2 | Converting an RGBS Source | 5 |
5.3 | Converting an RGBHV Source | 6 |
5.4 | Converting a VGA Source | 7 |
6 | Technical Specifications | 8 |
Figures |
| |
Figure 1: | 2 | |
Figure 2: Converting from an RGB Camera to a BETACAM VCR | 4 | |
Figure 3: Converting from an RGBS Workstation to a Plasma Monitor | 5 | |
Figure 4: Converting from a High Resolution Graphics Source to a Plasma Monitor | 6 | |
Figure 5: Converting from a VGA Graphics Source to a Plasma Monitor | 7 | |
Tables |
| |
Table 1: Front Panel | 3 | |
Table 2: Rear Panel | 3 | |
Table 3: Technical Specifications of the | 8 |