Communication Protocols
“Request Audio Parameter”
Request: 0x19 <input/output> 0x00 <machine>
Response: 0x59 <input/output> <value> <machine>
Action: Request an audio parameter of a specified input/output
The “Request Audio Parameter” command is used to retrieve a parameter on
an input or output. This command is precluded by an “Audio Parameter
Settings” command, used to set further properties for this command.
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher 0x19 0x85 0x00 0x81 Request audio parameter for in/out 5
Response From Switcher 0x59 0x85 0xff 0x81 In/out 5 has a value of 127
“Increase / Decrease Audio Parameter”
Request: 0x18 <input/output> <value> <machine>
Response: None
Action: Increases or decreases a specified audio parameter
The “Increase / Decrease Audio Parameter” command is used to adjust input
or output values on the left, right, or both audio channels. This command is
precluded by an “Audio Parameter Settings” command, used to set further
properties for this command. Use the table below for value options.
0 – Increase Output
1 – Decrease Output
2 – Increase Left Output
3 – Decrease Left Output
4 – Increase Right Output
5 – Decrease Right Output
6 – Increase Input
7 – Decrease Input
8 – Increase Left Input
9 – Decrease Left Input
10 – Increase Right Input
11 – Decrease Right Input
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher 0x18 0x85 0x80 0x81 Increase output value on output 5
Response From Switcher