BackPanel Description: KAV-1500

SeeFigure 2 on page7

TheKAV-1500backpanelprovidesconnectionsfor all inputs andoutputs, remote connectioninput andoutputlinks, andACpowersupply.

Balanced Inputs

3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Inputs

Thesearetheright surround(3), left surround(4), center(5), right (6), and KAV-1500channelinputs for output deviceswith balancedXLRconnectors.

Single-ended Inputs

8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Inputs

Thesearethe right surround(8), left surround(9), center(10), right (11), andleft KAV-1500channelinputs for output deviceswith single-endedRCAconnectors.

SeeReconfiguringthe KAV-1500for MAT,on page14, and Reconfiguringthe KAV-1500for BridgedOperation,on page16, for information on optional system configurations.

Multi-channel Input

13 Multi-channelInput

This is the DB-25input, for connectingto the DB-25outputof a preamp/processorThe. DB-25input incorporatesall five channelsplus a 5 VDC(5 Volt trigger), andallowsyou to sendall audiosignalsandturn the amplifieronandoff via a singlecable.

Amplifier Channel Outputs

14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Outputs

Thesearetheright surround(14), left surround(15), center(16), right (17), andleft KAV-1500amplifier channeloutputswith five-way loudspeakerbindingposts. The loudspeakerbindingpost terminalsacceptspadelugs, barewire, bananaplugs, or pins. Usethe redterminalfor the positive connectionandthe blackterminalfor the negativeconnection.

SeeInput andOutputConnections,on page10, Connectingthe KAV-1500 Reconfiguredfor MAT,on page14, and Connectingthe BridgedKAV-1500, on page17, for moreinformationon amplifier channeloutputconnections.



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Krell Industries manual BackPanel Description KAV-1500