Connectingthe KAV-1500Amplifier to Your System


Followthesestepsto connectthe KAV-1500amplifier to yoursystem.

1.Makesure all powersourcesandcomponentsare off beforeconnectinginputs and outputs=

2.Neatlyorganizethe wiring betweenthe amplifier andall systemcomponents. SeparateACwires fromaudiocablesto preventhumor other unwantednoise from beingintroducedinto the system,

3.Connectthe interconnectcablesfromyouroutputdeviceto the amplifier inputs. The KAV-1500is equippedwith balanced(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) or single-ended(8, 9, 10, 11, inputs locatedon the backpanel. Thebalancedinputs usethree-pin XLR connectors;the single-endedinputs useRCAconnectors.


Usethe multi-channel(DB-25)connectorto simplify the integration of the KAV-1500 into yoursystem.

Connectthe DB-25output on your preamp/processorto the DB-25input (13) located on the backpanelof the KAV-1500The.DB-25cable simultaneously transmitsaudiooutputsandTrigger 1 signals fromthe Krell HomeTheaterStandard SurroundPreamp/processor(HTS)DB-25output to all inputs anda 5 VDC(5 Volt trigger) on the KAV-1500via the DB-25input.


Youneedto configureTrigger 1 on the HTSbefore operation.


Donot connectthe multi-channelinput andsingle-endedor balancedinputs at the sametime.

4.Connectthe loudspeakercablesto the KAV-1500amplifier channeloutput speaker bindingposts(14, 15, 16, 17, 18)locatedon the backpanel.

Theamplifier channeloutputsfor the KAV-1500usefive-way loudspeakerbinding posts. Theloudspeakerbindingpost terminals acceptspadelugs, barewire, banana plugs,or pins. Usethe redterminalfor the positive connectionandthe black terminalfor the negativeconnection.

5.Plugthe endof the ACpowercord into the ACoutlet.

Theamplifier is nowreadyfor operation.SeeAmplifier Operation,on page19.



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Krell Industries manual Connectingthe KAV-1500Amplifier to Your System, Input and Output Connections