Q. MyDigital to Analogprocessor will accommodate eather fibre optic or coaxial digital inputs. Whichoutput should I use on the
A. Whilea high quality coaxial willperform quite well,
were.commendglass fibre optic cable due to its ab.ility to completelyisolate the grouni:ling planes betweentlae transport and processor, andits resistance to RFinterfer- ence. If an AT&Tor AES/EBUinput is available, we recommendone of these interfaces be utilized.
IQ. Whenlistening to certain discs I hear skippingnoises. s there something wrong with the
A. Dueto the accuracyof the laser reading systemin the
fingerprints. Cleanthe disc andretry. If the disc still skips, try severalothers. If it is onlythe first disc that is skipping, the disc mayneed to be replaced. If the unit mistracks on several discs, contact your Krell dealer or distributor.
Q. I can not seemto get the FTSprogrammingfeature to programmydiscs, is there somethingwrong?
A. Makesure the disc you wish to programis indexed, or read, by the machinebefore you start your program. Refer to the FTSprogramminginstructions in this refer- e.nce..Make sure whenyou are playing FTSencoded cliscs tlaat the FTSbuttonis pr.esseit andthe displayreads FTS.If the sequenceis alterecl the
rectly correlate the FTSinformation.
Q. Do you recommendI leave the
A. Yes, Thesecircuits are mostaccurate and stable when left to idle whennot in use. In fact, discrete parts age
.faster whencycled ONand OFEThe
NOTE:Youshould disconnect the ACcord from the wall outlet before anyelectrical stormsor if youplan to be
awayfrom your homefor prolonged periods of time.
Q. Will the
A. Certainly. Theunit will function perfectly even with the dust cover removed.