The remote control or the front panel of the
1.Select the track numberwhichwill start the sequence into the keypad, then push the PROGRAMor PROGR button. A"P" will appearnext to the track number.
2.Enter the rest of the track selections in. yourprogramin the same mannerrememberingto push the program buttonafter eachtrack selecte~t.
3.Onceyou have finished your programming,push the PROGRAMor PROGRbutton again ending the program sequence. The machinewill then reviewthe tracl~s you haveselected.
4.Press the PLAYbutton and the programwill begin.
Whilethe .programis running you can Pause, Search and select trac~:s within the program.Youcan start a track playing fromthe beginningby pressing the Play button.
P.ress STOPonly to defeat, or erase, ttie programfunc- tion.
5.Press the REPEATbutton and the machinewill play your selected tracks over again in the sameorder they were programmed.
6.To cancel your programpush the STOPbutton.
FTS,or Favorite TrackSelection, is a feature that enables youto store desired tracks on a CD,in a sp~ecific order,
into the memoryof the
grammed disc with FTS, the machinewill give that specific CDa reference number. The machineremembers
.tfiis inform.ationandwill play the tracks youhavese- lected for that CDwith a simple commandThe. machine can also play the entire disc should youchoose.