1. Standard Version SmokedTop Cover:
Removethe top cover, in its protective sleeve, from the s.hippingfoam.Toprevents.c.ra.tching, leave tlae protective sl.eeve on tlae top cover until t~lae cover mountingis com- plete. T.here are two pairs ot screws .with
i.ng the top cover. Centerthe hingepins onthe top coverov.er toe twopairs of screws. Carefullyslide the hingesinto tlae
.slots formedby the washers.Pusti the cover downevenlyon both sides until it is fully seated. Finally, removethe protective sleeve.
2. CustomVersion Clear Lucite Top Cover:
Removethe top cover from the protective foam and its protectivesleeve. Th.ere are twopairs of.screwswith washer- type lainge receptacl.es onthe ba.ckof tlae unit. Removethe four screwsfrom tlae unit and take off the black .hin.ge receptacles. Carefullyplace the lucite top coversucla tlaat the circular
NOTE:The clear lucite cover must be loweredmanually, as it is very heavy and does not have a dampingmechanism.