Congratulations on your purchase of the
components.Youhave joined a select group of listeners whoenjoy only the finest in musicreproduction.
Weare dedicated to the~ developmentof technologically advancedcomponentstor the reproduction o,f diglt~ly recordedmusicand continuing the Krell tradition ot uncompromisedperformance through
This Owner'sReferenceis divided into several sections, each designedto performa different function. Basic installation, operation and a Questionand Answersection are included, whereanswers to commonquestions are
provided. Shouldyou have any questions or suggestipns, i~lease feel free to contactyourauthorizeddealer or tlae KRELLstaff for assistance.
In the unlikely, event that
vice please consult your warra,nty registration card or your authorized KRELLDistributor.