1.Place the unit on a clean, level surface awayfrom excessive heat, moist,ure or light. Ideally, the MD-20 should be placed on tlae top of an audio componentcabi- net or other "openair" rigid platform.
2.TheMD-20may.be. placedin a cabinet. It will require. 17.0 inches of vertical clearance betweenthe bottomancl top shelves for proper operation of the cover.
3.I.f space is limited, the MD-20can be operated without its clust cover. Six inches vertical clearanceis adequateto allow convenientaccess to the disc transport area.
4.The location of the unit should be within 2 meters of the digital signal processor.If longerdistanc, e is re~quired, werecommendusing an AT&Tfibre optic clata linl~ o.r an AES/EBUbalancedi:lata link, as they are moresuitecl to long distance runs.
5.Connectthe ACpowercord to the back of the unit. Oncethe powercord is secured, plug the cord into an AC outlet.
6.Press the POWERbutton on the front panel. The dis- play will illuminate and the transport willnowbe active.
NOTE:While the MD-20has superb regulation and does not require a dedicated ACcircuit, westrongly advise against any. connectionsthrough extension cords or mul- tiple ACai:laptors. Highquality 15 ampgroundedAC sti-ips are acceptable.
7. Connectthe Digital Output from the MD-20to a Krell
Dig!tal Processor or other compatibledigital-to-analog aualo processor.
The MD-20is compatible with industry standard Fibre
~Optic, Coaxial RCA,AT&Twide bandwidth Fibre Optic bl' type and AES/EBUXLRoutput connectors.
NOTE:Care should be taken in selecting the type_ of cable used to lin.k the MD-20to your processor. We recommendbotla the AT&TFibre Optic due to its supe- rior bandwidthand, signal isolation properties, and tile AES/EBUformat clue to its higher voltage transmission and noise rejection due to balancedformat.