3C. Entertainment: TV and Music 145
TV and Music
⽧TV (page 145)
⽧Music (page 148)
⽧Streaming Music (page 151)
⽧VueQue (page 151)
Sprint TV gives you the ability to listen to audio clips
and to view video clips right from your device’s display.
Watch live TV and catch up on episodes of your
favorite shows – anywhere on the Nationwide Sprint
* Sprint TV coverage not available everywhere. Content and
lineup subject to change. Select channels also available for
casual usage. Visit www.sprint.com/tvguide for more
Your Sprint TV Channel Options
The Sprint TV application offers a wide variety of
accessible channels. Subscription options include
comprehensive basic packages as well as a full menu
of “a la carte” channels. Visit www.sprint.com/tvguide
for more information on channels and pricing.
Some of the available categories may include:
Note: If Sprint TV isn’t already installed on your device, you
can download it from Sprint Zone:
• Press Home > > Sprint Zone >
Sprint Applications.
3C. Enter tainment: TV and Music
䢇Sprint Radio 䢇Sprint Power View
䢇Primetime TV 䢇Music Videos
䢇Sprint TV Live 䢇Music & Radio
䢇Sports 䢇Entertainment
䢇Cartoons 䢇News & Weather
䢇Movies & Shorts 䢇Mobile Previews
Note: Available categories and content are subject to change.