78 2E. Calendar & Tools
Setting an Alarm1. Press Home > > Clock .
2. Tap the Alarms tab on the bottom of the screen.
3. Tap an existing alarm to change the settings or tap
Add alarm to add a new one.
4. Tap Time to adjust the hour and minute by tapping
+ or -.
5. Tap Repeat to select a repeat status for the alarm.
6. Tap Ringtone to select a ringtone that will play as
an alarm.
7. Tap Vibrate to add a vibration feature to the alarm.
8. Tap Label to enter a name for the alarm.
9. When you’re finished, tap Done. (Alarms that are
set are underlined in blue.)
䡲Tap the alarm icon next to an alarm to turn it
on or off.
To delete an Alarm:
1. Tap at the bottom of the Clock screen.
2. From the Alarms screen, tap and hold a desired
alarm, and then tap Delete alarm.
3. Tap OK to confirm the deletion.
Note: When you first open the alarms, two alarms are set up
by default and ready for you to customize. These
alarms are turned off by default.
Tap to open a screen where you
can customize an alarm.
Tap to add an alarm.
Tap to return to the main Clock
Tap to turn an alarm on or off.
Tip: From the Alarms screen, you can also create a new
alarm by pressing
> Add alarm.