Chapter 7: Routing and WAN connections LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Routing and WAN
When starting a new entry under WEBconfig, the NAT table shows up as fol-
7.5 Configuration of remote stations
Remote stations are configured in two tables:
In the name list(s) all information is set that applies individually to only
one remote station.
Parameters for the lower protocol levels (below IP or IPX) are defined in
the communication layer table.
The configuration of the authentication (protocol, user name, pass-
word) is not covered in this section.Information on authentication is
contained in the section ’Establishing connection with PPP’

7.5.1 Name list

The available remote stations are created in the name list with a suitable name
and additional parameters.
Configuration tool Menu/table
LANconfig Communication Remote sites Name list
WEBconfig Expert configuration Setup WAN module Name- list
Termin al/Tel net
cd /Setup/WAN module
set name list[...]