PC400 Terminal Installation & User’s Guide - 29
Problem: When an employee swipes a badge the terminal displays
Reason: The badge is rejected due to the employee’s schedule.
Solution: Assign a schedule through the software that will allow the employee to punch at this time.
Reason: The badge is rejected due to the employee’s schedule.
Solution: Have a supervisor override the schedule lock. See page 15 of this manual.
Problem: The terminal is not communicating with the computer
Reason: The communication cable is unplugged or defective.
Solution: Confirm cable is tested and plugged into both ends
(Make sure the cable is wired as outlined in the wiring diagram)
Reason: Communication settings for the clock do not match the settings in the software
Solution: Refer to the section “Setup the Clock” for setup directions
Problem: Occasionally a static discharge causes my terminal to lock up
Reason: The terminal is in an area that is subject to abnormally high static discharges
Solution: Connect a ground wire to the ground screw (green screw near lock mechanism) on the back box, and then secure the ground wire to the nearest Earth ground.
Ground screw and ground wire attached to back box
Note: If the closest earth ground is the outlet where the PC400’s power supply is to be plugged in, you may want to use tie wraps to secure the ground wire to the cable of the power supply; see Figure 13
If there is a more convenient earth ground location then secure the wire there.
Figure 13