Lennox Hearth S1300 manual Save Messages to Drafts, Complete Messages in Drafts, Use Preset Text

Models: S1300

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Save Recipients as Contacts

1.At the compose message screen, select Options > Save Address when entering a phone number or email address.

2.Select a number or address.

3.Select Options > Save New Contact (to create a new contact) or Options > Add to Contact (to add the number or address to an existing contact).

Add Recipients from Message Text

1.At the compose message screen, select Options > Add Address when entering the text to add more recipients.

2.Enter a number or address to add.

3.Complete your message.

Save Messages to Drafts

At the compose message screen, select Options

>Save Message when entering the text. Your phone saves the message to Drafts for you to complete at a later time.

Complete Messages in Drafts

From Drafts, highlight your desired message.

Select Edit or Options > Edit.

Complete your message.

Use Preset Text

Add Preset Text

1.At the compose message screen, select Options > Insert QuickText when entering the text.

2.Select a preset text entry.

3.Complete your message.

Save Messages as Preset Text

1.At the compose message screen, select Options > Save QuickText when entering the text to use it later as preset text.

2.Complete your message.

Save Received Messages as Preset Text

When viewing a received message, select Options

>Save QuickText to use it later as preset text.

Set Individual Message Settings

The following describes how to set message settings for individual messages.

Note: Your selection of each of the following message settings overrides that selected for all messages from Msg Settings.

Request a Message Receipt

1.When entering a message, select Options >

Msg Settings > Msg Receipt > Request to request a message delivery notice.

2.Complete your message.


Send Messages

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Lennox Hearth S1300 Save Messages to Drafts, Complete Messages in Drafts, Use Preset Text, Set Individual Message Settings