Effect An effect is a configuration that determines how the
Parameter Each Effect has a set of parameters (controls) that characterize it. Parameter settings can be changed to customize each Effect for your room and listening taste.
Effect Parameter values are stored/recalled with each Effect. Some examples are Subwoofer Level and Vocal Enhance
System parameter values are not associated with a particular Effect and their values do not change when a new Effect is loaded. An example is Speaker Configuration.
PCM FX The term PCM FX (Pulse Code Modulation Effects) is used to describe all of the effects which are compatible with
Surround EX The term Surround EX is used to describe a decoder which reproduces an additional rear channel added during the mixing of the program. This additional channel provides the opportunity for more de- tailed imaging behind the listener. Films created using Surround EX tech- nology will exhibit a Surround EX logo on the packaging and any Surround
Although the Surround EX decoder may be engaged during the playback of 5.1 channel material that is not Surround EX encoded, the information delivered to the rear channels will be randomly unpredictable and may be pleasing or not, depending on the particular soundtrack and the taste of the listener.