Lexicon MPX 550 manual Global Tempo, Bypass

Models: MPX 550

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MPX 550

Basic Operation

4.If desired, turn EDIT knob 3 to further adjust tempo in bpm (beats per minute).

5.Press the Tap/Cancel button to exit this mode.

Audio tap is a must for live performances. It offers a simple method of setting delay times and modulation rates to match the music.


The Tap/Cancel button LED will flash when a tempo- controlled program is loaded. Most factory presets are stored with individual tempo rates, which can be customized to suit personal taste. Tap in the new tempo, then store the modified version of the program in the User Bank.

To recall the tempo rate stored with each program, set the System Mode parameter Tempo Mode (see page 3-5) to Program. The unit will apply the individual tempo setting of each program as it is loaded. To apply the current tempo rate to all programs, set the System Mode

parameter Tempo Mode to Global. The unit will ignore individual tempo settings and apply the current tempo setting to each program as it is loaded.


The Bypass button can be used to force the unit to pass only dry audio, to mute the outputs immediately, or to mute the inputs to the loaded program. Its function depends on the setting of the System Mode parameter Bypass Mode (see page 3-5). When Bypass Mode is set to Dry, the unit sends only dry, unprocessed audio to the outputs. When set to Full Mute, the unit mutes the outputs. When set to Input Mute, the unit mutes the inputs only. Running effects will continue their natural decay.

Bypass functions can also be activated with a footswitch (see page 1-10) or MIDI control device (see page 6-4).


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Lexicon MPX 550 manual Global Tempo, Bypass