Set up the menu in Full-Sized Screen
You can change the settings to display photos stored on a USB
device, on a full-sized screen.
Detailed operations are available on full-sized photo view screen.
Use the CCHHDD or EE button to navigate the thumbnail
photo page.
2Use DD EEFF GG button to navigate the appropriate thumb-
nail photos, then press the EENNTTEERRbutton to show the
PopUp menu.
Use DD EEbutton to Move to the VViieeww menu, then press
the EENNTTEERRbutton.
The selected photo is displayed in full size.
The aspect ratio of a photo may change the size of
the photo displayed on the screen in full size.
SSlliiddee SShhooww : When no picture is selected, all photos
in the current folder are displayed during slide show.
When selected, the selected photos are displayed
during slide show. To start slide show, press EENNTTEERR
button on .
Set the time interval of the slide show in OOppttiioonn.
A slide show continues for a maximum of 4 hours.
After 4 hours, the slide show will end and go to TV
mode or external input mode.
BBGGMM : Listen to music while viewing photos in full
size. To start BGM, press EENNTTEERR button on .
Set the BGM device and album in OOppttiioonn.
((RRoottaattee)) : Rotate photos.
Rotates the photo 90°,18 0 °, 270 °, 360°clock-
wise upon EENNTTEERRbutton on ((RRoottaattee)).
DDeelleettee : Delete photos. UseFF or GG button to select
DDeelleetteeand press EENNTTEERR button.