Supported licenses may differ by model. For more information about licenses, visit www.lg.com.
Open Source Software Notice Information
To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL, and other open source licenses, that is contained in this product, please visit http://opensource.lge. com.
In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download.
LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on
(3)years from the date on which you purchased the product.
••Cannot control the TV with the remote control.
over the receiver.
••No image display and no sound is produced.
••The TV turns off suddenly.
Product specifications may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions.
Television System
Program Coverage
External Antenna Impedance
75 Ω
Environment Condition
••Operating Temperature 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
••Operating Humidity
Less than 80 %
••Storage Temperature
-20 °C to 60 °C
••Storage Humidity Less than 85 %