World time Menu 7.6
You can check the current time of Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT) and 65 major cities around the world,
using the left/right navigation keys. The screen shows
the city name, current date and time.
To select the time zone in which you are located,
proceed as follows:
11..Select the city corresponding to your time zone by
pressing the left/right navigation keys. The local
date and time are displayed.
22..If you want to change the time display in standby
mode to the selected time, press the left soft key
]The time zone setting of each city in World time menu
may be affected by network condition.

Voice recorder Menu 7.7

You can record a memo. You can record up to 10
voice memos up to a maximum of 20 seconds each.
You can play or delete the recorded memo or record
new voice memo using the left soft key [Options] key.

Record (Menu 7.7.1)

11..Once recording is started, the message
‘Recording...’ and the remaining time is displayed.
22..When you finish recording, press left soft key
]In standby mode, you can start recording by pressing
and holding the key.
]If all memo locations are full, you must delete an old
memo before recording a new one.

View list (Menu 7.7.2)

The phone shows the voice memo title which you have
recorded. You can play back or delete the recorded
voice memo.
]PPllaayybbaacckk::Plays back the voice memo.
]WWrriittee mmuullttiimmeeddiiaa mmeessssaaggee::You can write
multimedia messages using the voice memo.
]DDeelleettee::Deletes the voice memo.
]DDeelleettee aallll::Allows you to delete all the memos.
Press the left soft key [Yes] to confirm.
Fun & tools
Fun & tools