At least one member of the group is available to talk.
Every member has powered down their phone, turned
PTT Off, or moved out of coverage.
Do Not Disturb
None of the members of the group can be contacted.
All members of the group are available to receive a
PTT call but each will be given the option to accept or
reject your call.
Invitation in Progress
You have sent an invitation to join a group and none of
the members have yet accepted. Once one member
accepts this status will change and calls will complete
to all members who have accepted and are available.
PTT Calls
A PTT call can only be made to individuals or groups
you have established in your PTT Contacts. See PTT
Contacts for instructions to set up individuals/groups.
Making a PTT Call
1.Push and quickly release the PTT Key to access your
contact list. To access frequently called numbers, Push
and hold the PTT Key to access your PTT Call History.
2.Select the individual or group you want to call. Make
sure an available icon is displayed next to the name.
nNoteCalls can not be placed to Quick Groups in your PTT
Call History.
3.Press and hold the PTT Key to activate the call. A
tone will immediately play indicating you have the
floor and may begin speaking.
4.Release the PTT Key when you are done speaking.
Receiving a PTT Call
1. For the best experience your ringer should be set to
the highest possible volume.
2. If your status is Available you will hear a PTT Call tone
and then the caller's voice.