Fun & Tools [Menu 7]
Accessing the Menu
Calculator [Menu 7-6]
This contains the standard functions such as +,
Subtract, Multiply, Divide.
1.Input the numbers by pressing numeric keys.
2.Press Ukey once for Add and long press for Multiply. Press Dkey once for Subtract and long press for divide.
3.Press *key to input Prime number and #key to input Negative number.
4.You can view the result by pressing [Result] key.
5.If you want to continue the calculation, repeat the process.
6.You can delete the number or sign you want by pressing C.
7.Press Ekey if you want to end the calculation process.
World time [Menu 7-7]
You can view the time for each city around the world.
when you press U, Dshortly, you can view the city belonged to the different time zone and when you press U, Dlong, you can view the all of city on the same time zone.
If you want to select the country you want, press [set] key.