48Connecting to Networks and Devices

Step 1. Connecting the phone to PC

Connect your phone to your PC with a compatible USB Cable (supplied). LG Autorun starts automatically.

Click ‘I accept the terms in the agreement’ and ‘Yes’.

NOTES ￿ Autorun is only supported for Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows®7.

￿The USB Autorun feature works only under an Administrator account. The installer has insufficient privileges under a Non-Administrator account. Log on as Administrator. The device is switched back to the user set mode within 30 seconds.

Step 2. Downloading the LG USB Modem Driver.

NOTES ￿ If a previous version of the LG USB Modem driver is installed in the computer, it will automatically be updated to the recent version.

￿If a recent version of the LG USB Modem driver is installed in the computer, LG Autorun skips ‘Step 2 and 3.’