UsingYour Phone’s Calendar
Adding an Eventto the Calendar
Your Calendar helps organize your time and reminds you of important events.
1.Select Menu>Tools>Scheduler.
2.Using your navigation key, highlight the day to which you would like to add an event and press Add(left softkey).
Tip:Pressthenavigationkeyupordowntoscrollbyweekthroughthe Calendar.
Calendar &Tools
3.Select a time for the event by highlighting the time field and pressing .
■Using your keypad and/or navigation key, set the start and end time for the event and press .
4.Select a title for the event by highlighting [Content]and pressing .
■Enter the event title and press . (See “Entering Text”.)
5.Select a repeating status for the event by highlighting the repeat field and pressing .
■Highlight None, Daily, .
6.Select an alarm time for the event by highlighting the alarm field and pressing .
■Highlight None, Ontime, 5minutes, 10minutes, 1hour, 1day, or 2daysand press .
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