Correcting Dialing Mistakes

If you make a mistake while dialing a number, press once to erase the last digit

entered, or hold down for at least 2 seconds to erase all the digits you've entered and return to your home screen. Redialing Calls

1.Press twice to redial the last number you dialed. The last 150 calls (50 missed, 50 received and 50 dialed) are stored in the call history list and you can also select any of these to redial.

Receiving Calls

1.When the phone rings and/or

vibrates, press to answer, or open the flip (depending on your Answer Options).


To change your answer options:

Menu -> Settings -> Call

Settings -> Answer Options.

Choose from the followiOnly/g options:

Flip Open/ SEND Key Any Key/ Auto with Handsfree


If you press or (the volume keys), while the phone is ringing, the ringing and/or vibration is muted for that call.

2. Press to end the call.

Getting Star ted with Your Phone


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LG Electronics UN150 manual Receiving Calls, When the phone rings and/or